Commission Tracker

Execution and Research Commission Reconciliation and Reporting
Track and generate reports for execution and research commissions.
  • The system assists the reconciliation and tracking of CSA/CCA eligible, non-eligible trades and commissions based on client-defined rules.
  • Streamlined design simplifies the voting process and provides a comprehensive evaluation of all service levels.
  • The flexible system based on client-defined criteria enables easy capturing and determining of appropriate commission levels for services rendered as clients can identify the strongest providers.
  • Customized commission reports are generated through personal preferences and reporting requirement filters including regions, brokers, portfolio manager, portfolios, type, teams, security and other customized data points.
  • Integrated Commission Tracker allows the tracking of execution and research commissions while allowing payments through one integrated system.
  • Customized commission reports may be generated for the monitoring, evaluation and comprehensive insight into service quality patterns, assisting with maximizing the value of the services received from brokers and research suppliers.